Greetings & Announcements
Prelude & Bringing in the Light of Christ
Call to Worship:
Leader: The tomb is empty!
People: Christ Is Risen!
Leader: The soldiers have returned home.
People: Christ Is Risen!
Leader: The anger of the crowds is gone.
People: Christ Is Risen!
Leader: The time of grieving has ended.
People: Christ Is Risen! Leader: Violence, fear, and death have disappeared!
People: Christ Is Risen! Leader: Come, let us go to the house of the Lord!
People: Christ Is Risen! Christ Is Risen Indeed!
*Hymn of Praise: Christ the Lord is Risen Today UMH #302
Pastoral Prayer
Reading of Scripture: Genesis 1:1-3a
Giving of God’s Tithes and Offerings
*Doxology *Affirmation of Faith
*Gloria Patri Anthem: What a Beautiful Name Choir
*Reading of the Gospel: John 1:1-5
Sermon: The ReCreation Story
*Hymn of Dedication: He Lives UMH #310
*Carrying the Light of Christ into the World
*Sending Forth and Blessing