Wagener United Methodist Church Wagener United Methodist Church
Wagener United Methodist Church is live
Letting Go: Clinging to Jesus
Jessica Kight
Jessica Kight
Sunday, March 19, 2023

Greetings & Announcements

Prelude & Bringing in the Light of Christ

Call to Worship:
Leader: Our Lord is the Good Shepherd. In his goodness he supplies our every need.
People: The Lord is our Shepherd, and he takes perfect care of us.
Leader: Our Lord is the Good Shepherd. He leads us into safety and gives us strength for the journey.
People: The Lord is our Shepherd, who grants us rest and restores our souls.
Leader: Our Lord is the Good Shepherd. He sought us out when we were lost, calling us by our names.
People: The Lord is our Shepherd, and he has carried us home.  Amen.

*Hymn of Praise: Be Thou My Vision UMH #451

Pastoral Prayer

Reading of Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17

Giving of God’s Tithes and Offerings


*Affirmation of Faith

*Gloria Patri

Anthem: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus      Choir

*Reading of the Gospel: John 9:13-17

Sermon: Clinging to Jesus

*Hymn of Dedication: Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus UMH #462

*Carrying the Light of Christ into the World

*Sending Forth and Blessing
